Job Openings

Narawit Pruksawan

Sensor Product Line
Area Sales Manager
Joined 2017

Narawit Pruksawan

Sensor Product Line
Area Sales Manager
Joined 2017

What are your job responsibilities?

My main responsibility is to contact and communicate with customers to make sure that they can get benefits from our product. Also, I always need to find a way to maintain existing customers’ satisfaction and always seek for new potential customers. Moreover, KEYENCE Sales Engineer’s responsibility is not limited to selling the products to customers, but also needs to give them consultation when they run into problems. We often create solutions for customers on site. Those situations help me to improve many soft skills such as problem-solving, flexibility, decisiveness and time-management.

As an Area Sales Manager, I also have to take care of new members’ progress and cooperate with them to achieve their target while heading towards the same goal and the same direction.

Tell us about your best or most successful experience while working here

The best experience was the time when we had little chance of achieving the target. However, my team and I could make maximum efforts until the last moment to achieve the target. The achievement did not come from one person or some people’s efforts, it could be succeeded because of everyone in the team. This experience has taught me that ‘nothing is impossible’. I believe that teamwork is a very important key to achieve something. If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.

What do you like about KEYENCE?

It is KEYENCE culture about teaching and coaching system. I have learned a lot about sales knowledge while working here. Most people are willing to teach you with something they are good at. It makes me learn every day from everyone in KEYENCE. When I was a new Sales Engineer, KEYENCE had prepared all the necessary materials for me. For example, product training courses from Technical Engineer staff and basic sales knowledge from Senior Sales Engineer staff to educate me and other new members.

In addition, KEYENCE people have a positive attitude while working. I used to struggle in my early days as a Sales Engineer, but my leader did not tell me that I was not good at being a Sales Engineer or I cannot work for KEYENCE. Instead, she told me where I could improve and what should be my next action to improve myself.

Message to applicants

If you like to work with challenging tasks and want to develop your sales skills and deep knowledge of various industries, KEYENCE can provide you with all these experiences. Welcome to our KEYENCE family in advance.

Staff Voice

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