Job Openings



FAQ about the company

  • Our organization culture is “open and flat”.

    Firstly, KEYENCE has no seniority culture. We have a culture in which everyone is equal. This is because we think that the opinions and ideas from every employee are important, and because we want to collect them as smoothly as possible. At KEYENCE, we have a Japanese word ‘Kizuki’, translated as ‘notice’, which means to try to notice where things can be done more efficiently or better in work. And we can propose our Kizuki to everyone as always.

    Also, our organization structure itself is flat. It helps to create communication easily in the company. We can talk or consult with anyone, regardless of his/her position, even with the MD (Managing Director). We also have an activity that everyone will have a chance to eat lunch with the MD and talk to him. So that we can express our opinions or offer our suggestions directly.

    Additionally, promotion is not determined by seniority. Therefore, an employee who has good performance and can be a good leader will get promoted quickly, regardless of how many years of service they have.

    And our working style will be something like ‘Work hard, play hard”. Everyone does their best in everything. When we work, we work with determination and with great focus. However, when there is any activity, everyone will also play at their best.

  • KEYENCE employees are always fully responsible for their work, by maximizing their efforts with their best. Therefore, OT is depended on their current tasks and individual responsibilities. Whenever we have a pending task, or anything that needs to be done within the day to prepare for tomorrow, we don’t hesitate to do OT. Also, depending on the seasons, some departments will be busier than usual due to their seasonal work, then it is normal for those employees to do OT often during that season.

    However, KEYENCE respects employees’ private life. Therefore, we clearly separate between the work and personal life. During holiday or when at home, we don’t have to be worried about our work. There is no need to reply our company e-mail’s inbox when outside of work. We can fully spend our time for our private life.

    So when we work, we always work hard. But when we don’t work, we fully enjoy our life.

  • The career path in KEYENCE is clear and everyone can have a chance to be promoted to management level, regardless of seniority. Our quickest nomination to be promoted to the position of Assistant Manager so far is around 2 years after Bachelor’s degree and joining KEYENCE.

FAQ about our recruitment

  • Our interview is mainly focusing on the matching between candidates and the company.

    Therefore, please be advised that just because you had not passed our interview, it does not necessarily mean there is something in you that needs to be improved.

    At the same time, we also hope you to understand that the KPI of our recruitment will not be mentioned.

    The reason for this is that if we mention the KPI in detail, some candidates might try to be that type of person at the interview which makes it difficult for us to see who they really are. We would prefer our candidates to be as natural as possible.

    So, please don’t worry about how you should be. You don’t need to prepare. Being yourself is perfect for our recruitment.

  • Yes, you will receive interview result e-mail from us even you hadn’t passed the interview.

    Therefore, please be acknowledged that if you haven’t been informed about the result by e-mail, your performance during the interview and your qualifications are still under consideration.

FAQ about Sales Engineer / Sales Consultant position

  • First of all, what makes it possible for us to offer high compensation is the fact that KEYENCE is performing a great business result. KEYENCE Corporation, as a whole, has achieved an operating profit ratio of over 50% which is absolutely outstanding.

    At the same time, every employee has an opportunity to work with high responsibilities and challenges from the very beginning.

    Therefore, the company also would like to reward by trying to offer a more competitive salary structure than the market and be attractive as always. So, 45,000 – 50,000 per month is real salary package for new graduates in a Sales Engineer / Sales Consultant position after 3-months probation with no commission. And this package hasn't included other expenses such as gasoline fee and tollway fee which we support separately. We also offer bonus every 3 months as well.

  • KEYENCE doesn’t have any commission rewarding systems like other sales companies do. This is because KEYENCE prioritizes achieving team target, instead of employee’s individual target.

    However, we have an incentive called ‘Win-Win Incentive (WWI)’ instead which is already included in the salary package that everyone receives every month.

    The concept of this incentive is that “The profit we make is a result of employees’ efforts”. WWI is a certain part of company profit rewarding back to each employee in each month, for every position, not just for sales person, and no matter how much sales amount that each sales person has sold, unlike commission system.

    Therefore, if the company profit generated by each employee gets bigger, salary of employee will also get bigger. This incentive is the reason that makes salary of Sales position has a gap between 45,000 to 50,000. In 2017, 45,000 per month (approx.) was the minimum figure for new graduates.

    Using WWI will make everyone work collaboratively rather than in competition with each other. Because everyone will try to think together of how to make bigger profit, continue to improve themselves which drives the company’s growth, and it will finally affect their salary package. That’s how WWI creates a Win-Win relationship between the employees and the company.

  • As KEYENCE has its own unique method of consultative sales and detailed process, we decided to recruit a group of new graduates once a year in order to develop them altogether through KEYENCE sales training program. The reason we would like to hire new graduates is that by having no work experience and getting trained from the very basic together in a similar age group, they all can quickly adapt to KEYENCE unique method of sales activity very well. For experienced person, we also recruit occasionally. If there’s any in the future, we will inform in the website and Facebook as well.

  • Which university or faculty you graduated from does not matter for this position at all.

    KEYENCE has training program from the very basic so that everyone from any faculty can learn and develop themselves. We have many employees who graduated from non-engineering faculties in the company who are performing and contributing well.

    Therefore, if you are non-engineering students, please don’t worry as everyone needs to start from zero together and technical knowledge will not be measured as part of the interview process.

  • After joining KEYENCE, you will have 3-months probation period. During this period, you will receive the necessary training to improve your product and technical knowledge as well as to develop your skills to be a professional sales person in the near future. You will also join sales visits with your seniors or managers to see how our KEYENCE consultative sales are. You may even have a chance to practice going out on a sales visit by yourself during the probation period.

  • After the probation period has ended, each of our sales person will be assigned to their own territory to be responsible for customers across multiple industries within that area. The job responsibility of this position is not only providing the products to customers, but also offering ideas to solve customer problems. As such, each sales person also needs to utilize their creative thinking or reference of past solutions to find out the most suitable way to solve each problem for each customer.

    Therefore, it is necessary for this position to visit customers often (approximately 3 days per week) to understand the real problems that our customers are facing through direct communication, and so that customers can get the best solution and quickest response from us.

    When working in the office (approximately 2 days per week), our sales people are also responsible for a variety of other tasks such as answering customer inquiries, making appointments for next visits, studying the markets in their territory and planning the sales strategies of their own.

    Note: The number of days spent visiting customer and staying in the office is not fixed. Our sales people will manage this balance along each team or each person’s strategy by themselves.

  • KEYENCE Thailand has 6 branches located in Bangkok, Pathumthani, Chachoengsao, Pattaya, Chonburi and Chiangmai. There’s always a possibility that an employee may be transferred to another branch. However, if you were transferred to another branch where it meets the company condition, you would receive allowance from the company to support your transfer and your relocation.

  • Please carefully check our requirements for each year (e.g. age, new graduate/experienced person, graduation time etc.).

    If all of your qualifications meet our requirements, you should have received an interview invitation e-mail from us. If there is nothing in your inbox, please check your spam or junk mail.

    However, if you still couldn’t find an e-mail from us, please contact us directly on 02-138-7496 or .

  • If you cannot book for the interview date you wish to attend because the seats are fully booked, please frequently check the reservation table provided in the URL you received as somebody may cancel. If a vacancy appears, you can book yourself in for an interview.

    If there’s any updated information regarding the addition of more rounds, we will inform everyone by posting on our Facebook page

  • The link you received has an expiration date. It is only valid for one month after being generated.

    If you would like to receive a new link, please contact us directly on 02-138-7496 or .

FAQ about other positions

  • Your resume will be reviewed by our recruitment team and hiring manager. However, please be acknowledged that not everyone will be contacted for the interview. We will only call you if you are selected to continue in the recruitment process.
